Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I'm getting used to this pearling business-- it's a lot of hard work, and a lot of great fun, and a lot of ocean and boats on the sea. These here are two of the boats we use for work- The Shady Lady and the Ute, photoed at sunrise on Beagle Bay. I've been up on the Shady these past couple days, the one on the left. It's dope once you get used to it, the pearl shell cleaning machine is manual and you have to push the panels through, unlike the machine on the Christine Marie II-- maybe I'll get a pic of that big ship later-- where there's a conveyor that pulls the shell panels through, blasting them with high-pressure salt water. I'm sure this doesn't make any sense, crazy pearl jargon and whatnot, but the Shady has an open back that you can run and dive off of during smoko (brekkie (breakfast)) and lunch. Jeeeaah.

This is Bully, the farm dog, and his name is short for Bullet. He is still a puppy, really dumb and kind. He tries to bite the tires on the dinghy trailer every morning, and we all yell at him to get out of it cuz he might get run over. Bully is super dope, but aggressive too, you have to kick him in the face once in a while. My buddy. He had a large battle with a little snake the other night.
WOOO the dinner bell's ringing! Foooooood! I say, Eat while you can yall. Peaces everywhere.


Unknown said...

Hey Aki, I don't seem to have your e-mail addy so I'm just gonna leave u a msg here. I love what u're doing, I love reading about it, and I'm always thinking what u're up to, but knowing u, i know u're having a bad ass time. I can totally just imagine it. Hope u have a great xmas down there and hope u get to bring in the new year with a few of those that u've gotten close to over there. Me & Mari will be having a few drinks for you this holiday...(she's living w/ us in Yayoi's room now, and Yayoi's giving her shot in JP) Take Care!!!!

kimhouy said...

Reading these posts makes me happy. Good hunting, Aki!