So there are lots of animals in the wild west of Australia. Here's a couple caught on a couple days after work. Scotty the reptile man (and marine engineer) is always getting some lizard or snake and we all play with them before we let them go. And we've been fishing quite a bit (pretty spoiled, fishing-wise, in the Norwest). Yeah Animales!
good fight, good fresh sashimi. I was daamn happy.
YO! Give thanks to NAY-CHA! Keep it reeeah! (that's my new slogan that's going to go on my new trapper keeper. did you know the school year starts now down under? summer holiday is over, everyone! whaaat)
Man, that's a big fish!
Hey Hey pearl man! That's a good looking fish. It's so rad your still there and loving it.
dAMMMN! thats a big fish. hope all is well homie. stay fresh and clean, clean them shells! haha
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