Monday, January 12, 2009

You know you shake that ciggy box.

An attempt at one-liner diners.

Hunger makes my face all shriveled up and shizz.

The lady and the girl on the plane; one in English, one in Japanese.

When it's cold, wear your hightops.

Some people laugh maniacally riding home in the piercing hurting cold on their mopeds. (me)

My planner is planning my demise.

Japanese humor sometimes requires losing out on intelligence or acting like it.

Sporks are fine.

Do people shake the last bit of drink left in the bottle before they terminate it?

They call 2-liter bottles of drink pet bottles here.

This bottle is for my pet iguana.

My thoughts line up sometimes orderly for the next order, sometimes they act like unruly three year olds in a field of PixiStix.


kelvinkao said...

You know what? That is exactly why I love Japanese humor!

Anonymous said...

"My thoughts line up sometimes orderly for the next order, sometimes they act like unruly three year olds in a field of PixiStix."

that line is so good. seriously.