Friday, May 23, 2008

The Joys of Fridays

So I was talking to my friend the other day, he's from New Zealand, one of the downest dudes that I know. He was like, remember how you were all high from your trip, don't let that buzz come down, don't forget to keep it going. And I thought that that is like a lot of things... there are a lot of things that can bring me down, getting used to a certain way of living, always a sniff of stagnancy when you start that "getting used to" business. So at least as my own mindset, I'll be on my travels for a while longer, even if I go home during them or even if I get into a certain rhythm.

I've created a pretty crazy schedule for myself these days, with teaching and getting a faculty-type system together, curriculums, texts and meetings. But I find the things that are just as important- taking a swim in the ocean for 10 minutes, going for a 20 minute skate, zoning out at my desk for a couple seconds (that one I just did.. duuuuuhhhhh)- are hard to find time for but so crucial. I want to give thanks, and to be able to know that I'm so damn lucky to be doing what I'm doing. Woooord.

A location-descriptive list: CDs strewn, white walls, pen lines, humidity, Port of Pearls the book, the Calypso, my ¥100 mug, backaches, library, Aesop, Japanese words, vending machines, little cars, a fire extinguisher that says Hatsuta on it. AAnnd the Belafonte:

Yeeeah, watchoo know about daatt? Thanks, Steve. Right then, take it eeeasy, thanks for reeeading.


ram. said...

your posts make me optimistically depressed. i love your outlook on things. and although I wish i could be seeing the things you're seeing. my experience in your shoes just wouldn't be the same. and i realize that i'm living my own path.

Unknown said...

oh man... i love Life Aquatic. I had it saved on my tivo for about four months until i got rid of TV. i'd watch that movie anytime, anywhere. reminds me of the caribean... and hearing about where you're at in Japan, reminds me of where I was at in Mexico a few years back. the ocean is an awesome place. stay wet!