Probably like two years ago I took this photo... for some
reason it was in my LA file. My LA file, like
LA Gear black and neon green.
So last summer I was in Los Angeles, chillin at the Colby house, working nights at that restaurant on Santa Monica Blvd and at the Institute for Intercultural Studies during the hot bicycling days (big ups to Dr. Han). Then I moved to Australia, which I'm sure you know is in the opposite hemisphere north-south ways. For some reason this creates a January mid-damnin-hot summer, I think because of the tilt of the world. Then this year, I came back up past the equator to Okinawa for a burning hot summer on a tropical island. So the last time I tasted real, good cold air was like two years ago.
It made me realize how much I love summer, but a perpetual one wouldn't be good for me. I need some sort of seasonal change; I think we all do. Isn't that why the Earth, like, turns? Yeah, change is progress, and I get really cold recently riding my moped with two jackets on, hunchbacked and notredamed, teeth chattering, but I'm actually down for it. Watttuuupp winterrr.
I'm coming home! I got a flight back to LA on the 23rd of December and will be in America until Jan 6th... I'm pretty hyped; I actually miss my country, the smooth sidewalks, Comedy Central, right-gear-shifts, all my clothes in storage, my books, two tacos for a dollar... Let me know if you're around- I'll probably be staying in Torrance, near that Benihana's. Which is good to the Wilmington skateplace you say about, Geoff. Damn, I'm about to just drive out to the Korean Bell and kiiicckk ittttt.
Words, there's a new live music class in our curriculum here, which is pretty sick, and all is ever-proceeding with Okinawa Actors School and Live City, too. I'm lucky to be able to be doing this translating, curating, teaching and filming.
Peace, see you soon.
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