Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Skating in Okinawa

There's not much to skate on the island of Okinawa, but you know that there's always the good old parking lot down the street. I live uphill where I can skate toward the ocean and try to ollie this ratty torn up cracked out four stair with Sanpin-cha bottles strewn on the side, and a cuurved out run-in that goes around a manhole, and the wondering gasoline stand kids stare, waiting for those little Japanese cars to come into the stand driveway.

There's not much time to skate in Okinawa, with work and that, but it's always like, no matter how tired I am or how late at night it is, if I do get up on my board for a little bit, that rattling and crunching and reverberation brings me back. And then I hang up on that tall curb and eat shit... hahah Aahhh, the beauty of skating in a place where the buildings are old and the sidewalks look like mini-earthquakes were thrown onto them for the rats. I got to roll down 58.

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