Daaaamn I'm like that dude who used to be all into blogging and stuff, then got over it for a couple months and then was like, I should do this again... I admit it's a nice outlet. But if anyone actually does even read this shiat, I apologize for being em-eye-ay (mia).
Seems I have been em-eye-ay much of the time sometimes, since I've gone and become an expatriate. But I'm always thinking about my friends back home, those who I've met on my travels, my family, and also I don't ever forget friends who have left us early on earth. We live for you, SHL.
I got through my first semester as an elementary school teacher in one piece, and it is quite energy-consuming, but a daang awesome job. Especially since there is an overwhelming strict code for Japanese teachers to follow in school policies and reports and those weird Japanese hierarchy concepts, but I'm the "foreign language teacher," which kinda automatically makes me exempt from all that. Sweet. So I do my thing and have fun with the kids. I teach third through sixth grade, so its a messload of kids. I'm like, "I'll beatbox so you sing the ABC's. Loud." Seems to work well enough.
I wish I had photos of all the kids and the two schools I share my weekdays at, but I keep forgetting to take my camera to work. I did, however, take my camera to Zamami-Jima in the Kerama archepelago southwest of the main Ryukyu island Okinawa. I went with my girlfriend and another couple, and we watched (or tried to watch) the solar eclipse from the hour and a half ferry ride, along with this other couple from Colorado who happened to be on the boat. I had an underwater camera too.. Ah, I just remembered, I got to go pick up the film developed at the camera shop! Here's Zamami:
Kenyu Soh, one of the best-hearted people on Earth.
Forest road to the on the unpopulated side.
The view was siiick. Perching it with Takashi Z.
Climbing around Chishi before some scuba.
The whole population of Zamami.So the forest was amazing, the beaches and coral reef all around were amazing too. Ahh, it's a good thing to be a teacher: summer vacation! Yuup, and JLo is coming to town in a couple days! Yeah LCC represeeent! Miss yall coyotes.
Arright, since I have a bit more time on my hands now, I think I'll do this whereverhome thing again, for anyone who would want to know what Aki's been up to these days. And let me know how you are too.
Bwahaha, last night I went out drinking with some American friends, and we went to this craze spot where a buunch of Japanese women were out mingling with a buuunch of Marines and Army people who think they're hot shit looking to get laid. Ah jeez, it reminded me of some Miss Saigon themed shit. What is the world coming to?
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